Edelnet Code of Conduct

Edelnet is bound by the regulations issued by the Independent Communications Authority of SA (ICASA), and as a member of the Wireless Access Providers' Association of SA (WAPA), we are also bound by their code of conduct, which can be found here

Edelnet strives to:

  1. Act in a fair, reasonable and responsible manner in all dealings with consumers;
  2. Ensure that all services and products meet the specifications as contained in their licences and all the relevant laws and regulations;
  3. Not unfairly discriminate against or between consumers on the basis of race, gender, sex, age, religion, belief, disability, ethnic background or sexual orientation;
  4. Display utmost courtesy and care when dealing with consumers;
  5. Provide consumers with information regarding services and pricing;
  6. Where requested provide consumers with guidance with regard to their customer needs;
  7. Keep consumer’s personal information confidential;
  8. Advise consumers of their right to refer complaints to ICASA.